Google Analytics 4 Dashboards

Google Analytics 4 dashboards

Discover a new dimension in web data analysis with Google Analytics 4 (GA4). As the latest version of Google's analytics tool, GA4 offers advanced features for an in-depth understanding of your online traffic. Our turnkey dashboard solution elevates this experience by allowing you to synthesize data intuitively and efficiently, providing a clear view of your website's performance.

Optimize your Data Analysis with intuitive Google Analytics 4 Dashboards

GA4 | Overview
GA4 | Website Audience Overview
GA4 | Search Engine Optimization

GA4 | Overview

The Google Analytics 4 - Overview report developed by SmartBi gives you a global view of your website's health. Traffic, events, conversions - all the key performance indicators are just a few clicks away.

Compatible sources

GA4 | Website Audience Overview

The Google Analytics 4 - Website Audience Overview dashboard designed by SmartBi offers a detailed view of your website's audience.

Compatible sources

GA4 | Search Engine Optimization

The Google Analytics 4 - Search Engine Optimization dashboard by SmartBi offers a comprehensive view of your website's SEO performance.

Want to get started?

Let us explain: Google Analytics 4

Key performance indicators in Google Analytics 4

Conversion Rate

Measure the proportion of visitors who carry out a desired action on your website, be it a purchase, registration or any other objective.

Average Session Duration

Indicates the average time users spend on your website, offering insights into content engagement and relevance.

Bounce Rate

Evaluate the percentage of users who leave your website after viewing a single page, giving clues as to the relevance of your content.

Pages per Session

Calculate the average number of pages consulted by a user during a session, providing information on the appeal and depth of your website.

Source/Direct Traffic

Identifie la provenance des visiteurs de votre site, que ce soit par le biais de recherches organiques, de liens directs, ou d'autres canaux, pour optimiser vos stratégies de marketing.

Goal Conversion Rate

Evaluates the percentage of objectives achieved in relation to the total number of objectives set, helping you to understand the effectiveness of your calls to action.

Event Tracking

Explore specific events on your website, such as clicks, downloads, or interactions with particular elements, to better understand user behavior.

Start tracking your data!

Want to try it with your own data?

Why track your website data with GA4?

Improving the User Experience

Understand how visitors use your website to make their navigation more pleasant and intuitive, which can encourage them to stay longer and come back again.

Boost SEO and Visibility

Identify effective keywords and traffic trends to better position your website in search results, attracting more visitors.

Maximize Conversions

Analyze visitor behavior to improve pages and paths that lead to desired actions, such as purchasing a product or subscribing to a newsletter, thus increasing your sales success.

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