Facebook Page Dashboard

Dominate your Facebook presence with our intelligent dashboard

Discover a strategic approach to managing your presence on the world's largest social network with our customized dashboard for your Facebook pages. Simplify social data analysis, make informed decisions and optimize your engagement with your audience.

Our Facebook Page dashboard, to keep track of all your data

Meta | Facebook Page

Meta | Facebook Page

SmartBi's Meta - Facebook Page dashboard offers a comprehensive and simplified view of your page's performance on Facebook.

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Let us explain: Facebook and Social Media

Key performance indicators on your Facebook Page


Measure the growth in the number of people liking your page, indicating the appeal and popularity of your content.


Evaluate the total number of people who have seen your content, enabling you to understand the size of your potential audience.


Track the total number of interactions with your content, including likes, comments and shares, to gauge your audience's engagement.


Measure the number of clicks on your publications or page, indicating your audience's interest in more detailed information.

Engagement rate

Calculate the percentage of engagement in relation to the total number of people reached, providing an indication of the relevance of your content.

Followers growth

Evaluate the net growth in the number of people following your page, helping you understand the reach of your audience over time.

Publications performance

Analyze the best-performing publications in terms of engagement, enabling you to adjust your content strategy to maximize interaction.

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Discover the status of your Facebook Page in just a few clicks

Fast commitment

Our turnkey Facebook report offers an instant view of your audience's engagement, enabling you to react quickly to user interactions.

Clear-sighted Growth

Easily track your page's growth with historical data, identifying peaks in activity to plan your campaigns.

Performance Content

Quickly identify the most engaging publications to adjust your content strategy effectively.

SmartBi supports over 300 data sources

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